Posts tagged personal branding
Creating an authentic brand, step-by-step

Everywhere you look these days, you read something about the importance of branding yourself. Your customers are looking for genuine connections from a business they can trust. 

You’ll be amazed at what honest, sincere communications can cultivate in your audience: 

  • Confidence
  • Loyalty
  • Credibility

But how can you create a brand that’s really you? One that’s truly authentic? Start with these three steps.

1. Focus on YOUR business

It’s easy to get wrapped up in comparing your business to others while you try your best to keep up with trends. This leads to spinning your wheels and passing up one opportunity after another to share what your business is truly about, and the talent and expertise you offer. 

Your brand is about you and should reflect your passion and purpose – not the latest trends or popular fads.

2. Commit to a clutter-free brainstorm

Step back from the noise of the internet, social media and the marketplace and ask yourself four straightforward questions:

  • I am passionate about…
  • My purpose is to…
  • What do I do well?
  • What makes me stand out?

The secret is to answer these questions away from your computer screen, and to not overthink your responses. 

Here are some ways to get instantly inspired:
  • Find a distraction-free place and journal/write by hand, spending five minutes on each question. Keep your pen moving; don’t stop to edit your thoughts. 
  • Use visualization to spark your imagination. Jennifer Lee, author of The Right-Brain Business Plan offers a recording of her “Big-Vision Visualization” for free.
  • Invite one or two people you trust to brainstorm along with you. 

3. Identify themes

Find commonalities or themes that emerged from your brainstorm and select three to four concepts that resonate most with you. You can refine them even further to create a concise list. 

Further questions to explore:
  • Where do you see your business in the future?
  • What do people get when they buy your service / product?
  • Who is your ideal customer?

Use these insights as a guide as you continue to build the components of your brand. 


Apply for a free brand strategy

Looking to connect with your ideal audience and finally get the results you want? 

Creating a name for yourself takes a ton of courage. I still remember all the fears, hesitations, and questions that come along with making yourself visible to the world - so I’ve set aside time to collaborate with you and design a one-of-a kind brand that makes your organization stand out. 

Your free brand strategy session will be customized to your needs; here are just a few of the topics we could discuss: 

  • Do you have a specific challenge that’s been troubling you?
  • Are you looking to increase your visibility online? 
  • Are you struggling to find your voice?

Contact me to schedule a free personalized consultation - I’d love to give back and serve you in this way! 

Secrets for high-quality head shots

Back when I launched my website, I received so many compliments on my head shot. I thought I’d share a few tips for taking a standout photo. 

Highlight your personality and convey your values.

This is more than a photo - it should be an instantly-recognizable representation of your brand. Put some thought into how you want to be viewed. Do you want to be seen as professional, friendly, approachable, and/or trusted? Brainstorm a couple of values that are most important to you and use these to guide the process. 

Be sure to share your vision with your photographer.

A photographer’s online portfolio is an excellent way to determine if his or her style matches your point of view. After you’ve narrowed down your options to a handful, call each photographer and ask about their pricing and approach. You two should have some chemistry and a shared vision.

Plan your wardrobe ahead of time.

Select styles that reflect your personality. For example, if you’re aiming to convey a relaxed look, select casual clothing, rather than a suit. Avoid clothing that’s too baggy or has a bold pattern or shiny texture. I also recommend investing in hair and makeup services; often photographers can provide some great recommendations.

Once you’ve received your proofs, select one or two photos to use consistently, including on your website and social media accounts. The purpose of your head shot is to create a visual recognition of you and your brand across communication platforms. 

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